

Why should you  join Nanliu ?

We, as one of the globally renowned Manufacturing, believe in providing our employees with a productive environment that consistently uplifts them and keeps them motivated.

    Core Values

    Our values will form the basis of our attitudes and behavior.

    Individually within, each of us need to show certain characteristics that will enable us to work together with the Company to achieve excellence. And this calls for striving to be the best. In this endeavor, we are attempting to capture the following four characteristics in everything we do.

    • Humility : Everyone here is working towards having the humility to acknowledge and recognize what that there are things that we do not know. One of the Value Systems that we are continuing to inculcate is that without humility, there can be no true learning.
    • Curiosity: With humility and an acknowledgement of our lack of knowledge is the need for curiosity to learn which results in exploring, investigating and eventually learning. Curiosity calls for us to search our areas for acquiring knowledge in our individual areas of work or expertise. To everyone at Nanliu Manufacturing India Private Limited, Learning and Acquisition of knowledge is the oxygen in our workplace.
    • Integrity : Moral integrity is what makes one sleep well at night and allows us to stand as an example to our children. It is a question of truth. The most important integrity is the ‘Integrity of Information’ which is a currency that each of us engage with each other here within the Company and outside, with the world at large. Any information exchanged has to have the utmost integrity as it reflects the integrity of the Company.
    • Perseverance : Striving to be the best in our area of work requires one to internalize the deficiencies, with humility, and drive oneself to overcome them through intelligence and hard work. True knowledge is only possible if there is acceptance of failure. You can truly look at reaching levels of knowledge unexplored only if you break new ground. And to break that new ground, you need to challenge conventional thinking at times and through experiments attempt to find the road to excellence. Perseverance sometimes means that there is a time and place for every idea. Especially in our industry, it is about engineering, which by the origins of the word suggests an iterative process or trial and error.
    • These fundamental values are seen everywhere, they are like the air we breathe, the beams of the sun, or the water we drink, one cannot exist without these. These are qualities that everyone at Nanliu Manufacturing India Private Limited tries to imbibe in the common vision to strive for excellence in our work. It is our approach to life.
    All employees are expected to conform to the core values and code of conduct in dealing with customers, suppliers, employees, banks, shareholders and other stake holders of the Company.
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